
DP Dashboard Plugin – WordPress Admin Theme

DP Dashboard is a WordPress admin plugin that gives the WordPress dashboard a brand new design or “theme”. Developed by DevPress, they explain the DP Dashboard is “an admin plugin that makes WordPress professionals happier and more productive… [with a] cleaner, more freeing WordPress admin experience”. The plugin is ideal for designers and developers who wish to customize the WordPress admin for themself or for clients.

Some of the features and reasons you might want to use the new DP Dashboard plugin include:

  1. Replaceable Logo – you can easily display your own logo on the backend of your site by simply placing the image in a folder. This allows you to extend your brand to the backend of your site.
  2. Bigger User Friendly Menus – makes the WordPress admin menus big and simple for easy browsing. Icons also serve as an additional navigation column.
  3. Feel Good Completing Tasks – makes you feel good where it counts, like clicking a big button to update a post.
  4. Identify Sub Tasks Without Wrong Clicks – DP Dashboard adds spacing and bigger font sizes for all sub tasks and actions making editing, deleting, and trashing content easier than ever before.
  5. Boring Tasks Made Easy – some of the everyday tasks in WordPress require clicking on tiny little icons or links. The plugin turns the tiny links into beautiful buttons.
  6. Bigger Title Sizes – Improved structure for better readability.
  7. Easily Find Common Widgets – with lots of widgets on the widget page it can be difficult to manage. The plugin spaced out the widgets page, focused on what’s important and added icons to common widgets for quicker selection.
  8. Number Files in Code Editor – the plugin numbers files on the theme / plugin editor pages for easier identification and management.
  9. For Designers / Developers – the plugin is built for designers and developers and comes with a lot of documentation.

This initial version of the DP Dashboard plugin has a clean, minimal design/theme for the WordPress admin, however more themes and additional features are being built for future versions of the plugin.

The DP Dashboard plugin is available to DevPress members. DevPress membership costs $40 per year and gives you access to the DP Dashboard plugin, all exclusive DevPress themes, documentation, support and any new product they release.

For more preview screen shots and information see the DP Dashboard plugin page at DevPress.

What do you think about the default admin dashboard in WordPress? Would you use a plugin like this to “improve” or change the user experience and design of the WordPress admin?

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